Legislation of Electrology

Assisting with State legislation (laws governing electrology) is an important task of the American Electrology Association. Through strategic relationships, the Association helps State officials write and pass laws that benefit electrologists, the consumer and the general public.

To get licensing in your State, start with laws governing the practice!

Getting Started

  • Do you have the support of the majority of electrologists in your State association?
  • Find out which department or board, in your State, is willing to license electrologists.
  • Find out the meeting dates of your State's Legislature and licensing committee.
  • Find out who is the committee chairperson that deals with professional licensing.
  • Find out which legislators serve on the committee.
  • Make an appointment with your local representative: assemblyman or State senator.
  • Be organized before you attend the meeting:
    • Present a short overview of the profession.
    • Name the medical conditions electrologists encounter, PCOS, etc.
    • Explain the consumer's risks when electrologists are not licensed.
    • Name all the States that are licensed.
    • Describe general public health concerns, e.g., the spread of infectious diseases.
    • Provide pictures of an electrologist working.
  • Are there other special interest groups that support your efforts? For example, State Nurse Associations?
  • What will be your State license requirements?
  • What plan will you have for those who are already practicing? Will the State "grandfather in" those already practicing?
  • Can you suggest methods of "cost-cutting," e.g., by combining electrology with an existing board? Would this board be receptive to taking-on electrology?

For Licensing or Legislation Assistance

Patsy Kirby, CPE
4188 SW Tommy Armour Lane
Redmond, OR 97756
Phone: 707-777-5315

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