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Advertisement for Theralogix

At Theralogix, our methodology is simple: We only create products that are backed by published scientific evidence. To ensure that we stay true to this unwavering commitment, we prioritize research that demonstrates our products will address a specific nee


401 E. Jefferson St. Suite 204
Rockville MD, 20850 USA


(800) 449-4447

Advertisement for Synoptic Products

Synoptic Products
Synoptic Products and Ballet continue to support electrologist in many ways. Synoptic Products has developed extensive educational materials for electrologists and continues to work closely with leading electrologists and educators to help grow the field.


(919) 908-0278

Advertisement for Dectro International

Dectro International
Since 1978 Dectro International designs and manufactures specialized devices intended for the global market of permanent hair removal and aesthetic care.


(800) 463-5566

Advertisement for Dectro International

Dectro International
Since 1978 Dectro International designs and manufactures specialized devices intended for the global market of permanent hair removal and aesthetic care.


(800) 463-5566

Advertisement for Instantronics

We are pleased to announce that Sara Paisner of Synoptic Products has acquired Instantron to allow Skip Mahler to retire. Instantron machines will be manufactured and sold by Instantronics going forward. We appreciate your patience during this transition.


200 Meredith Drive, Ste 105
Durham NC 27713


(919) 908-0222

Advertisement for BQE Ergonomics

BQE Ergonomics
BQE, with its headquarters in the Netherlands, has been a leading manufacturer and developer of Ergonomic Stools and Chairs and affiliated products for the last 25 years. We export to over 40 countries worldwide and entered the US market in 2008 with our U


11888 West 91st Street
Overland park, KS 66214


(877) 938-9034

Advertisement for By the Books

By the Books
At By The Books, we’re professionals who believe that providing small businesses with a clear financial picture based on accurate and up-to-date bookkeeping and accounting records is fundamental to having a strong business. We offer affordable virtual book


(682) 220-9288

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Electrologist Positions Available in Texas

Electrologist wanted 3 or 4 days a week at my Houston Heights Blvd Location. Positions also available at my Cypress Office has options available. Call or text to set up an interview. 832.474.1137

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